Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

Allar linsur -10% AFSLÁTTUR!

Biarritz Tortoise Classic

15.100 ISK
Innifalið VSK Á lager - Express sending


Selt af og sent af Footway+


Alltaf innifalið með sólgleraugunum þínum:

- Nividas Hreinsiklútur
- Nividas mjúk taska
- Nividas Hard taska
- Nividas kassi


Búið til úr handhöggðum asetati.

Nividas sólgleraugu veita 100% vörn gegn UVA og UVB geislun.


Sólgleraugun okkar eru mæld í tveimur stöðluðum mælingum. Þú finnur þá innan á rammanum.

Til dæmis: 48-22. Fyrsta, 48, er breidd glersins. Annað, 22, er mælingin á milli linsanna.

Afhending og skil

Sendt innan 1-2 virkra daga.

Prófaðu nýju sólgleraugun heima! Við bjóðum þér 365 daga ókeypis skil.

Introducing the Nividas Biarritz Tortoise Classic - sunglasses that capture the essence of the sun-drenched, effortlessly chic Biarritz. Nestled on the Basque coast, this city is the playground of the stylish and the daring, where the waves kiss the shores with the same passion that inspired these shades. With a design as timeless as Biarritz's endless summers, these sunglasses aren't just an accessory; they're an attitude.

Boasting polarized lenses, they're your perfect companion for cutting through the glare on those bright, beachy days, ensuring you miss nothing - not the sparkle on the water, nor the envious glances.

And let's not forget, the UV protection is as strong as your desire to stay sun-kissed, not sun-damaged. So, slip on your Nividas Biarritz and strut into the sunlight with the confidence of a Biarritz local, ready to conquer the beachfront and beyond.

After all, why just bask in the sun when you can shine?

  • Treyst af 600.000+

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  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

    Njóttu vandræðalausrar skila innan 365 daga. Ánægja þín er forgangsverkefni okkar.

  • Stuðningur á 18 tungumálum

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