Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

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Naples Shiny Black

15.100 ISK
Innifalið VSK Á lager - Express sending


Selt af og sent af Footway+


Alltaf innifalið með sólgleraugunum þínum:

- Nividas Hreinsiklútur
- Nividas mjúk taska
- Nividas Hard taska
- Nividas kassi


Búið til úr handhöggðum asetati.

Nividas sólgleraugu veita 100% vörn gegn UVA og UVB geislun.


Sólgleraugun okkar eru mæld í tveimur stöðluðum mælingum. Þú finnur þá innan á rammanum.

Til dæmis: 48-22. Fyrsta, 48, er breidd glersins. Annað, 22, er mælingin á milli linsanna.

Afhending og skil

Sendt innan 1-2 virkra daga.

Prófaðu nýju sólgleraugun heima! Við bjóðum þér 365 daga ókeypis skil.

Introducing the Nividas Naples Shiny Black sunglasses, a pair that's as bold and charismatic as the city it's named after. Just like the vibrant streets of Naples, these sunglasses promise to add a dash of Italian flair to your everyday look, ensuring you stand out in any crowd.

Naples isn't just about the eye-catching sights; it's about feeling the life pulsate through its ancient veins, and with these shades, you'll capture a bit of that spirit.

Crafted for those who dare to make a statement, they don't just shield your eyes with unmatched UV protection; they let you see the world more clearly with their polarizing lenses, cutting glare with the precision of a Neapolitan pizza chef slicing his masterpiece. So, if you're ready to embrace the sassiness of Naples and turn heads with every step, the Nividas Naples Shiny Black is your go-to accessory.

After all, why blend in when you were born to stand out?

  • Treyst af 600.000+

    Uppgötvaðu örugga og áreiðanlega verslun með Netlens.

  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

    Njóttu vandræðalausrar skila innan 365 daga. Ánægja þín er forgangsverkefni okkar.

  • Stuðningur á 18 tungumálum

    Áhyggjulaus verslunarupplifun með framúrskarandi þjónustuveri okkar.

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