Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

Allar linsur -10% AFSLÁTTUR!

Palermo Tortoise Camo

15.100 ISK
Innifalið VSK Á lager - Express sending


Selt af og sent af Footway+


Alltaf innifalið með sólgleraugunum þínum:

- Nividas Hreinsiklútur
- Nividas mjúk taska
- Nividas Hard taska
- Nividas kassi


Búið til úr handhöggðum asetati.

Nividas sólgleraugu veita 100% vörn gegn UVA og UVB geislun.


Sólgleraugun okkar eru mæld í tveimur stöðluðum mælingum. Þú finnur þá innan á rammanum.

Til dæmis: 48-22. Fyrsta, 48, er breidd glersins. Annað, 22, er mælingin á milli linsanna.

Afhending og skil

Sendt innan 1-2 virkra daga.

Prófaðu nýju sólgleraugun heima! Við bjóðum þér 365 daga ókeypis skil.

Dive into the heart of Sicily with the Nividas Palermo Tortoise Camo sunglasses, where fashion meets the daring spirit of Palermo's bustling streets and vibrant history. These aren't just any sunglasses; they're your passport to embodying the audacious charm of a city that's as eclectic as it is historic.

With their polarizing lenses, you'll not only be turning heads but also giving those harsh sun rays the cold shoulder, thanks to top-notch UV protection. Just like Palermo itself, these sunglasses are a blend of boldness and beauty, ensuring you stand out in any crowd.

Whether you're strutting down a sun-drenched piazza or watching the sunset from a rooftop bar, the Nividas Palermo Tortoise Camo is your perfect companion.

So, darling, why blend in when you were born to stand out?Grab a pair and let the streets of Palermo inspire your every step.

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  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

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  • Stuðningur á 18 tungumálum

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