Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

Paris Clip-ons Silver & Grey

6.400 ISK
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Selt af og sent af Footway+


Can't find the perfect pair of sunglasses matching your  Paris glasses? Fear not – we've got just the solution!

Introducing Nividas Clip-ons, custom-made to fit our Paris model like a dream. With two sizes available, finding the perfect match for your frames has never been easier.

Paris (48-20) 
Paris Large (50-20) 

Simply snap them onto your Paris frames for instant sun protection and style. Whether you're strolling down the Champs-Élysées or enjoying a leisurely café au lait in Montmartre, these clip-ons have got you covered.

  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

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  • Treyst af 600.000+

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  • Stuðningur á 18 tungumálum

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