Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

Allar linsur -10% AFSLÁTTUR!

Paris Tortoise Classic

15.100 ISK
Innifalið VSK Á lager - Express sending


Selt af og sent af Footway+


Alltaf innifalið með sólgleraugunum þínum:

- Nividas Hreinsiklútur
- Nividas mjúk taska
- Nividas Hard taska
- Nividas kassi


Búið til úr handhöggðum asetati.

Nividas sólgleraugu veita 100% vörn gegn UVA og UVB geislun.


Sólgleraugun okkar eru mæld í tveimur stöðluðum mælingum. Þú finnur þá innan á rammanum.

Til dæmis: 48-22. Fyrsta, 48, er breidd glersins. Annað, 22, er mælingin á milli linsanna.

Afhending og skil

Sendt innan 1-2 virkra daga.

Prófaðu nýju sólgleraugun heima! Við bjóðum þér 365 daga ókeypis skil.

Dive into the heart of chic with the Nividas Paris Tortoise Classic sunglasses, a pair that whispers the secrets of Parisian flair right into your style diary. Imagine strolling down the Champs-Élysées, the essence of sophistication and charm, as these shades cast a shadow of intrigue over your eyes.

They don't just protect; they polarize, darling, ensuring that not even the brightest glare off the Seine can disturb your café terrace musings. With UV protection as standard, your gaze remains as mysterious and protected as the Mona Lisa herself.

So, whether you're flirting with the idea of a lazy afternoon in Montmartre or a dazzling night out in Marais, let these sunglasses be your ticket to embracing the effortless elegance of Paris.

Because, let's be honest, in a city that's all about the allure, why would you settle for anything less than a view through lenses that offer both style and substance?

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  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

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