Traust af 600.000+ / Auðveld 365 daga skil

Vancouver Havana Camo

15.200 ISK
Innifalið VSK Á lager - Express sending


Selt af og sent af Footway+


Alltaf innifalið með sólgleraugunum þínum:

- Nividas Hreinsiklútur
- Nividas mjúk taska
- Nividas Hard taska
- Nividas kassi


Búið til úr handhöggðum asetati.

Nividas sólgleraugu veita 100% vörn gegn UVA og UVB geislun.


Sólgleraugun okkar eru mæld í tveimur stöðluðum mælingum. Þú finnur þá innan á rammanum.

Til dæmis: 48-22. Fyrsta, 48, er breidd glersins. Annað, 22, er mælingin á milli linsanna.

Afhending og skil

Sendt innan 1-2 virkra daga.

Prófaðu nýju sólgleraugun heima! Við bjóðum þér 365 daga ókeypis skil.

Dive into the soul of the city that never dims with the Nividas Vancouver Havana Camo sunglasses. Just like Vancouver itself, these shades are a perfect blend of urban chic and wild, untamed spirit. Imagine strolling down the vibrant streets of Gastown, the eclectic mix of modern and historic, with the confidence only a pair of these polarizing sunglasses can provide.

They're not just accessories; they're your armor against the glaring sun, offering top-notch UV protection to keep your eyes shielded as you explore every hidden nook and cranny of this dynamic city.

With a flair as distinct as the breathtaking views from Stanley Park, these sunglasses promise to keep your vision crystal clear, no matter how bright your surroundings.

So, if you're ready to conquer Vancouver's diverse landscape, from its bustling urban heart to its serene natural beauty, do it with the sass and class that only the Nividas Vancouver Havana Camo can offer. Because let's face it, in a city that's alive with energy, you need sunglasses that can keep up.

  • Treyst af 600.000+

    Uppgötvaðu örugga og áreiðanlega verslun með Netlens.

  • Auðvelt 365 daga skil

    Njóttu vandræðalausrar skila innan 365 daga. Ánægja þín er forgangsverkefni okkar.

  • Stuðningur á 18 tungumálum

    Áhyggjulaus verslunarupplifun með framúrskarandi þjónustuveri okkar.

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