Melbourne Meadow Green

€82,95 EUR €102,95
Vključno z DDV Poštnina se izračuna na blagajni.


Prodaja pošilja Footway+


Sončnim očalom je vedno priloženo:

- Nividas Krpica za čiščenje
- Nividas Mehki etui
- Nividas Trdi etui
- Nividas Škatlica


Izdelano iz ročno obdelanega acetata.

Nividas sončna očala so polarizirana in zagotavljajo 100-odstotno zaščito pred sevanjem UVA in UVB.

Navodila za velikost

Naša sončna očala se merijo v dveh standardiziranih merah. Najdete ju na notranji strani okvirja.

Na primer: prva, 48, je širina stekla. Druga, 22, je mera med stekli.

Dostava in vračila

Odposlano v 1-2 delovnih dneh.

Preizkusite nova sončna očala doma! Ponujamo vam 365 dni brezplačnega vračila.

Dive into the heart of Australia with the Nividas Melbourne Meadow Green sunglasses, a tribute to the city known for its edgy street art, labyrinthine laneways, and a coffee culture that could give Italy a run for its money.

Just like Melbourne, these shades are a perfect blend of style and substance, designed for those who dare to stand out in the urban jungle. They're not just a fashion statement; they're your armor against the glaring sun with top-notch UV protection, because darling, we care about your peepers as much as we care about your look.

And let's not forget, they're polarizing, cutting down that harsh glare reflecting off Yarra River, making your city adventures as comfortable as they are chic. So, whether you're sipping a flat white in a hidden café or exploring the vibrant street art in Hosier Lane, do it with the confidence and flair that only the Nividas Melbourne Meadow Green can offer.

After all, why blend in when you were born to stand out?

See your new sunglasses in action