Betroet af 600.000+ / Nemme 365-dages returnering

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Kyoto Gold

806,00 DKK
Inklusiv moms På lager - Hurtig forsendelse


Solgt af sendt af Footway+


Altid inkluderet i dine solbriller:

- Nividas Rengøringsklud
- Nividas Blødt etui
- Nividas Hårdt etui
- Nividas Æske


Lavet af rustfrit stål med nikkel-fri belægning. Tippene på stængerne er i acetat.

Nividas solbriller giver 100% beskyttelse mod UVA- og UVB-stråling.


Vores solbriller måles i to standardiserede mål. Du finder dem på indersiden af stellet.

For eksempel: 48-22. Det første, 48, er bredden på glasset. Det andet, 22, er målet mellem glassene.

Levering og returnering

Sendes inden for 1-2 arbejdsdage.

Prøv dine nye solbriller derhjemme! Vi tilbyder dig 365 dages gratis returret.

Introducing the Nividas Kyoto Gold sunglasses - a pair that's as iconic and unforgettable as the city it's named after. Kyoto, with its blend of ancient tradition and modern flair, is the perfect inspiration for these stylish shades.

Much like the city's stunning golden temples that shimmer under the sun, these sunglasses boast a golden hue that demands attention. But don't let their good looks fool you; these shades are more than just a pretty face.

They come equipped with polarizing lenses to cut through glare with the precision of a samurai sword, ensuring your vision stays as clear as Kyoto's Kamo River. Plus, with UV protection, your eyes will be shielded from the sun's rays as effectively as the city's old walls once protected its inhabitants. So, if you're ready to embrace the spirit of Kyoto and turn heads while doing so, these sunglasses are your new must-have accessory.

Sass and style? Check and check.

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